List of case studies


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Key resources


Data Pitch reports: All the processes in Data Pitch are documented in a series of reports, which are publicly available. This includes how challenges were defined, how data was managed and the development of the data catalogue. All resources can be accessed at

A framework for data sharing for open innovation (Walker et al., 2019): Outlines a framework that identifies the conditions which enable value to be created through a data sharing format. (p. 112)

Data collaboratives (Verhust et al., n.d.): Comprehensive overview of data sharing institutions for public good, spearheaded by the US-based GovLab.

Data trusts: lessons from three pilots (Hardinges et al., 2019): Report by the Open Data Institute on their work to establish what Data Trusts are and how they can function.

Creating the energy data commons (Webb, 2018): Overview of a data commons model in the energy sector.

Valuing information as an asset (Higson & Waltho, 2009): This white paper aims to support senior executives and policy makers with the transformation of information culture and practices within their organisations.

Data inventory guide (Johns Hopkins University, Center for Government Excellence): This is a practical guide to understanding what a data inventory is and how to build one, explaining the concepts and providing practical guidance and references.

Designing data governance (Khatri & Brown, 2010): This paper offers a framework for data governance issues to help practitioners design data governance structures effectively.

Anonymisation and open data: An introduction to managing the risk of re-identification (Thereaux et al., 2019): This report describes the current state of the art of data anonymisation and provides guidance for risk management. 

Legal and privacy toolkit (v1) (Stalla-Bourdillon & Knight, 2017): A guide that focuses on the critical things to consider when sharing and reusing data for defined innovative purposes under the Data Pitch programme. Including an overview of the legal and regulatory framework that applies to data sharing and data reuse, and a risk mitigation strategy for the secondary use of data. 

Legal and privacy toolkit (v2) (Stalla-Bourdillon & Carmichael, 2018): A guide on the basics of mapping data flows as an effective and practical approach to the creation of data situation models for anonymisation assessment and GDPR compliance. 

Data protection by design: Building the foundations of trustworthy data sharing (Stalla-Bourdillon et al., 2019): This paper suggests a common workflow to embed data protection by design within data sharing practice. 

Anonymous data v. personal data—a false debate: an EU perspective on anonymisation, pseudonymisation and personal data (Stalla-Bourdillon & Knight, 2017): This paper discusses the benefits and challenges of data anonymisation. 

European Commission regulation on the free flow of non-personal data (European Commission, 2019c) 

Data legality reports: These reports reflect on the process and considerations in setting up two of the most crucial contract templates for use in Data Pitch. 

Data sharing agreements: As part of the Data Pitch programme, asynchronous bilateral data sharing contracts were created. These are the SME Contract which sets out the terms and conditions of how the Data Pitch consortium engages with SMEs for the duration of the programme, as well as the data provider (data holder) agreement which sets out the terms and conditions for those organisations that are sharing data. All of these are available for information and inspiration:

Towards a European Data Sharing Space (Lopez de Vallejo et al., 2019): Position paper outlining opportunities and challenges for data sharing spaces, and recommendations for their implementation.