About Us
Data Pitch is a EU-funded open innovation programme bringing together corporate and public-sector organisations that have data with startups and SMEs that work with data.
It is centred around a competition with several tracks which describe challenges, and a virtual accelerator programme (6 months) to help startups and SMEs develop solutions to meet these challenges.
The startups and SMEs will put forward proposals for creating high impact, innovative products and services in response to the challenges defined by Data Pitch.
Successful applicants will receive an important financial and advisory boost to their idea, with support to develop a concept into a robust and sustainable business.
- Equity free investment of up to €100,000
- Introduction to investors
- 6 – month business accelerator programme with ODI and Beta-i
- Peer-networking and support via meetups in major European cities
- Access to technology and data sets, as well as training materials and webinars by Data Pitch experts.
Please read the Guidelines for Applicants to find out more about applying to Data Pitch.
Data Pitch is funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, and is being delivered by:
University of Southampton (UK): The University leads the Data Pitch initiative. It is a renowned authority in Web and data science and a trusted provider of secure data hosting facilities to government and industry.
Beta-i (Portugal): Beta-i is one of the most active accelerators in Europe and recipient of the European Enterprise Promotion Award.
The Open Data Institute (UK): The ODI is a data and open innovation facilitator, with strong links to data protection and privacy stakeholders.
Dawex (FR): Dawex is a marketplace for private and worldwide data monetization and acquisition, and winners of the 2015 French Digital Innovation Competition.